Public Notices

* Wisconsin.Gov Home

Organization: Dept of Health Services (DHS)
Publish Dates: 9/18/2023 through 10/31/2023
Category: Grants County:
Sub Category: Proposals Municipality:
Region: Entire State Status: Archived
Advancing Equity in Adolescent Health: Evidence-Based Sexuality Education in Community Based Organizations
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS), Division of Public Health (DPH) announces the availability of funds to support statewide after-school programming for youth with a focus on sexual and reproductive health. This funding comes from the Office of Population Affairs through the Advancing Equity in Adolescent Health through Evidence-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs and Services (TPP) grant. DHS is seeking 1-3 partnerships to implement evidence-based after-school programs (EBPs) with priority youth in Wisconsin (ages 10-24) to address health disparities and provide youth with the knowledge, skills, and supports they need to thrive. Awarded organizations will work with their stakeholders and DHS to select an evidence-based sexuality education program(s) that meets the needs of their communities.
For more information contact:
Kara Benjamin    (608)266-1004
Related Links:
TPP Grant Implementation Partners CBOs
Revision History:
* 9/15/2023 10:38:52 AM Christina Hinkley Attachment added.
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